Dr. Gary L. Storkan, DC
Dr. Storkan began his journey into alternative health in 1973 in California. He then moved to the East Coast settling in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. At that time, he was working as a carpenter and after an injury, sought the help of a local chiropractor. During his session the chiropractor did several muscle tests on him and corrected their dysfunction by rubbing several sore points. This so intrigued Dr. Storkan that he had to ask where this doctor had learned this technique. He was told about the Touch for Health Foundation in Pasadena, California. In 1975 Dr. Storkan returned to California and contacted the TFH Foundation. He enrolled in their instructor training program and became one of their instructors. After teaching for several months, he was approached by another instructor who was the office manager of a very large chiropractic practice in northern California. He saw this as an opportunity to develop his muscle testing skills in a therapeutic setting and therefore was hired to treat patients by resetting their muscles after a chiropractic adjustment. He also did some nutritional counseling with the patients as well. He worked with this practice for three years and during that time, witnessed some profound healing in patients precipitated by the chiropractic adjustments. He decided that he would like to pursue a degree in that profession.
Dr. Storkan did some research on many of the chiropractic schools that were available and decided on Logan College of Chiropractic in Baldwin, Missouri. He liked their approach and focus on both the sciences and philosophy of chiropractic. The fact that they were one of the few chiropractic schools with national accreditation at the time meant that they would accept the GI bill for payment. After taking prerequisite courses, he entered Logan College in 1979. During his time at Logan, he took several extracurricular courses and was certified in advanced Xray interpretation, Motion Palpation, and several adjusting techniques trying to find the one with which he felt the most comfortable. He even took a semester off to restudy information that he felt was coming in too fast for him to completely absorb and understand. During this time, he reread and studied his Physiology and Neurology textbooks and studied more nutrition. It was a very productive time for him. Dr. Storkan graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in the spring of 1983.
After graduating from Logan, Dr. Storkan has pursued his thirst for knowledge with several seminar each year including the entire Diplomate of Chiropractic Orthopedics course. However, due to unfortunate circumstances at that time, he was unable to take the final Diplomate exam. He has also taken an extensive Functional Medicine course with Dr. Lundell, and several modules of the Total Body Modification technique with the master and founder, Dr. Victor Frank. He is now pursuing training and information in the use of cold lasers through the Erchonia Corporation. Dr. Storkan has also gained much valuable knowledge from his patients that he has had the pleasure of working with for the last 35 years.